Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Oh KE7, where is your sting!? and some musings on MM treat...

Oh KE7, where is your sting!?
RH is waiting...
oh KE7, don't postpone the match;
don't run away,
it only serves to change,
the torturous day.
So now, you wanna have it during the recess week, eh?
Fine; bring it on --- RH is waiting.

An excerpt from "Shakespeare's soccer sonnets."


To more important stuff...

You guys are a bunch of greedy good for nothings....MM treat MM treat MM treat....
Da pai only pester me for treat...
Finee.... the date has been released, just make sure you turn up.

No beer, some people don't we'll just have to make it up with food.

During which, we will have a dubious awards Best player, most screwed up personnel, lousiest sub, best tactician, and wadeva other shit categories u can think of. So please do email me ur nominations for any category u wish to err...propose.

Soccer hardcourt after that.


  1. Best signing:
    Ian Loo a.k.a Albert Riera

    Worst Signing:
    Robbie Keane

  2. Most Expensive player:
    Tito (imported from Europe)
